Tuesday, December 14, 2010


The idea for this poem came to me one night when I was taking a nice midnight walk on the canal. My mind being what it is, wandered. After a while it finally settled on the idea of how many different possible ways I could die on that night. Morbid maybe but it is interesting. 

Death Recurrence

Taking solace
In a silent walk
Through the darkness,
Through the forest.
With bubbles of speculations
Floating within my mind, of demise.
A canal crosses my path
With a bridge straining across.
Standing on the hump of the bridge
I peer into the flowing water,
And there is a wavy shadow
Of a man standing on the rail.
I hurl myself in
To greet the chilly algae stained water.
As I floated away with putrid liquid
Steeping into my lungs,
There was a wisp of a man
Watching me.
I see him.
I see London.
I see France.

Momentarily, The Scream
Echoes within the ripples.
And then it is gone.
I turn away from the mirages
That have provided with illusions.
I no longer wish to look at them.
Walking side by side with canal,
With leaves streaming by.
I come upon a man
Dressed in the dark
With gleaming toothy grim grin.
With a rasp, I meet the ground.
Hello there, said the ground.
I hope that you will enjoy your stay
For you will not be staying
Much longer.

The stranger walks by,
Brushing my presence off.
I tire of the trees and this canal.
Walking silently past the floating leaves,
Till I arrive quietly at my bed.
I lie upon it.
Pop! Goes an artery
Within my brain as I sleep.
It took three days for somebody
To find my bloated body.

I wake to sunshine
And birdsong.
Leaving behind room full of
Sickly sweet scent,
I walk silently again.
Pass the same trees,
Taking care to step over
The red puddle
Within chalk outline.
I arrived upon the bridge,
Still groaning across the canal.
With a glimmer of moaning,
I see a familiar figure
Floating underneath me,
Toward London
Toward France
Toward Oblivion, wherever that might be. 

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