Monday, December 27, 2010

Pre-instruction Drawings

The first thing the book tells me is to draw three pre-instruction drawings. This is to provide me with something to compare with once I'm done with the book. The three things the book told me to draw are: self-portrait, somebody from memory, and my hand. Without further ados, here it is.

I couldn't find a suitable mirror, so I made do with a picture. Probably not good as a mirror but eh. 

What I noticed when drawing this:
  • The hair looks decent.
  • I draw some freaky eyes.
  • I have no clue how to draw lips. Everytime I try, it turns out to be massive.
Which one is better: pencil or digital?
Digital by far. The pencil version looks like a fat butch lesbian. Not a flattering look for me.

Somebody from memory
A cookie to whoever can guess who this is. No, seriously, I will bake cookies for whoever guesses correctly who this is. Take as many guesses you want, and post it in the comments. And let me tell you, he's not Ned.

What I noticed when drawing this:
  • Holy fuck, it's hard to draw curly hairs. I'm glad I don't have curly hairs. I also don't like curly hairs as well, so there you go.
  • Still can't draw lips.
  • And noses, it seems. 
Which one is better: pencil or digital?
Well, the pencil version looks more closer, so it wins. However, the hair sucks massively. As in, I didn't even try.

Your hand:
Draw your own hand, it said. Ok, I said.

What I noticed when drawing this:
  • I draw some fat fingers.
  • And short thumb.
  • At least the pinky looks ok.
  • Man, those are some rough hands.
  • My hands are pretty small, goosh.
Which one is better: pencil or digital?
Digital. The pencil version is just a freaky hand with long fingers and a stump of a thumb. 

Overall experience: Well, this only shows how good I am at drawing. Not really. Also, I noticed that drawing with the tablet doesn't have a big learning curve to it. However, I still feel that I need to learn how to use the GIMP program. Such as the layering, how to erase large parts, and so on.


Unknown said...

My first guess is Neil Gaiman.

Saw said...


Unknown said...

Your dad? (I can't remember if his hair is curly or not. lol)

Saw said...


Unknown said...

Prof. Watts?

Saw said...


You're cold as Indianapolis' weather so far.

Neil Gaiman was the only thing remotely close to the path of guessing you should take.

Unknown said...

David Mazzucchelli


Brock Samson

Saw said...

NOPE on both counts.

Maddie said...

Kurt Vonnegut?

Saw said...

NOPE. Still freezing but on a vaguely right trail.

Maddie said...

I'm just going to throw one out there: Bill Murray? It looks like his hair from Groundhog Day...

Saw said...


You, Maddie, won a dozen (maybe more) of my delicious cookies! The default will be chocolate chip oatmeal cookies although you may request for something else, such as chocolate truffle cookies or w/e. And I'll try my best to bake a kickass batch.

Maddie said...

*le gasp* I won?!? Holy crap! =) I'm totes excited now for those cookies!!!